A photo of the words "we care about the future" displayed on a window

Helping leaders navigate

complex change

Creating real, sustainable change is daunting. The traditional approach of “decide-act-measure” is no longer effective. The turbulence of daily life upends the best of plans and predictions. While you influence people and organizations, you don’t control them. And the systems you’re trying to shift feel impossibly entrenched.  How can you create lasting change in such complex and uncertain environments? 

Well, you can set a clear intention, see and make sense of the patterns around you, take appropriate action, and adapt as necessary. You can center people and cultivate the connections between them. I can help you do that. 

I have 20 years of experience creating change across nonprofits, government, and philanthropy. I simplify things without losing what’s valuable. I move the work forward equitably, collaboratively and adaptively—through the ups, downs and inevitable surprises. 

No matter the scale of your challenge—system, community, organization, team, or individual—I can help you work equitably and create sustainable change. 

The words “we care about the future” displayed on a window.